What Is Testopia?

Testopia is a test case management extension for Bugzilla, designed to integrate bug reporting with test case run results. Test Case Management Allows users to create, manage, and organize test cases efficiently. It integrates with Bugzilla products, components, versions, and milestones, allowing centralized management and bug attachment to test case run results. Test Plan Management …

What Is Trac?

Overview Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system designed for software development projects. It aims to help developers write great software with minimal interference. Features It integrates with Subversion and Git, offers an integrated Wiki, and provides convenient reporting facilities. It allows wiki markup in issue descriptions and commit messages, creating seamless references …

Email – Productivity Killer or Killer App?

Email is often the #1 focus for advice on how to be more productive. Tactics like “don’t process email first thing” or “batch your email twice a day” are commonplace on the web. Paul Graham wrote the seminal article Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule back in 2009 where he discussed why meetings destroy productivity for makers …

Bugzilla Plugin for Helga Chat Bot

Helga is a Python chat bot. Full documentation can be found at http://helga.readthedocs.org. The Bugzilla plugin allows Helga to respond to Bugzilla ticket numbers in IRC and print information about the tickets. For example: 03:14 <devzing> bz 123 03:14 <helgabot> devzing might be talking about https://app.devzing.com/demo/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=123 [[TestProduct] Ticketing Box City selector] Find out more at https://github.com/ktdreyer/helga-bugzilla

Access Bugzilla from Python

The python-bugzilla package is available on GitHub or PyPi pip install python-bugzilla This package provides two bits: ‘bugzilla’ python module for talking to a Bugzilla instance over XMLRPC /usr/bin/bugzilla command line tool for performing actions from the command line: create or edit bugs, various queries, etc. This was originally written specifically for Red Hat’s Bugzilla …